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Network Rail’s southern region has alerted firms to a forthcoming bid race to find two partners for a new 10-year-plus deal to deliver signalling and track across the territory.
The region is hoping for a step-change in the way renewals are delivered on its network, making the most of modern methods of working and technology and collaboration-focused contracting.
The fresh delivery approach, known as the Southern Integrated Delivery model, will involve a switch to integrated and collaborative Project 13 principals of delivery for an estimated total work programme of up to £9.6bn over Control Periods 7 and 8.
This partnership approach will be used to deliver all categories of railway asset work including signalling & telecoms, track, buildings & civils, electrification and plant and minor works.
Building and civils is already out to tender with the search for separate signalling and track business partners on Kent Sussex and Wessex routes completing the shake-up.
Buildings and civils will account for 30% – 45% of spend, track 15% – 25%, signalling 5% – 15%, electrification and plant 5% -10% while minor works will constitute 20%- 30% of the overall estimated value.
Lot 3: The Signalling Integrator Business Partner
• Early-stage development including all work types (renewals and refurbishment) typically GRIP 1 to 3
• Detailed design, construction and commissioning of all work types (GRIP 4 to 8) including targeted Interventions, Level Crossings and telecommunications associated with the signalling works, with the exception of major renewals
• Manage, coordinate and oversee the delivery for all appointed Eco-System OEM providers – who will be remitted to undertake major Signalling renewals
• Self-delivery of mid-size schemes/asset-life extension works.
Site investigation, survey, design, planning and installation of track works, including renewal, removal, refurbishment or new installation of plain line track, track drainage or switches and crossings by whatever means.
This includes re-alignment, lifting and lowering of track, 3rd Rail, remote condition monitoring, removal, replacement or new installation of lineside plant such as rail lubricators, fencing and rail crossings
Successful bidders will initially sign into a development phase agreement, scheduled to commence in January 2023 and run up until April 2024.
Following this, the partners will sign into a multi-party SID Agreement based on an Network Rail’s alliance form of contract.
Network Rail will host a virtual market briefing event on Thursday 20 January 2022, from 10.00 to 12:00 to brief interested firms.
To register for the event email the attendee’s name, organisation and contact number no later than 13 January. Title email “Southern Integrated Delivery (SID) – Market Briefing – Signalling & Track”.
Written by Aaron Morby 8 months ago To share a story email always off the record
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